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Vaginal Steaming

Yoni Steam- In Person or Virtual

  • 1 h
  • $60+
  • In person or Virtual Steam Session

Service Description

Vaginal steaming, also known as Yoni steaming or Root steaming, is an ancient healing modality that has been enjoyed by cultures throughout the world to care for our sacred space; a beautiful practice that connects us to our root space while giving our body a moment to rest and receive. Our Root Space, in eastern philosophy is the energy center in our bodies that represent our sense of safety and security- when this space is nourished, we feel safe, we feel secure, and most of all we feel grounded, and at home within ourselves. Root steaming has been found to: Increase circulation to the uterus, reproductive tissues, & digestive organs. Increase vaginal moisture, decrease dryness and irritation. Help treat recurring infections such as UTI, Yeast Infections, BV Balance hormones and regulate cycles for more predictable fertility tracking Decrease PMS and menstrual symptoms including cramps, heavy bleeding, clotting, hormonal acne, bloating, & mood swings Extend short cycles, prevent spotting between periods and shorten long cycles. Facilitate quicker Postpartum womb shedding of Lochia to return Uterus to pre-pregnancy size. It can also be used as a treatment for those who have had: -Internal and external scars from tearing -Pregnancy Termination or Miscarriage -Prolapse -Hemorrhoids -Fibroids -UTIs *Request an appointment to schedule your Yoni Steam. Once scheduled, you will receive a text/phone consultation to see if that date chosen for vaginal steaming is right for you, and if so, what herbal blends & steam plan/protocols would be the best fit for your needs. Please be aware that steaming is contraindicated during active bleeding- choose your date mindfully to coincide with a time when you will not be menstruating. First Time Home Session- $70 Includes: Menstrual Cycle Consultation ($60 Value) Instruction and Customized Steam Plan Steam stool and materials to be used for the session *Add ons include: 1 Month Supply of Herbs For Your Specific Constitution +$25 Steam Stool + $55 First Time Steam Package- $125 Includes: Steam Pot and Stool ($70 Value) Menstrual Cycle Consultation ($60 Value) Instruction and Customized Steam Plan 1 Month Supply of Herbs For Your Specific Constitution ($20 Value) Single Steam Session- $60 $200 for 4 sessions $400 for 10 sessions

Contact Details


Santa Fe, NM, USA

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